MD packages
This post lists several software packages and tools that are useful in molecular simulations.
MD simulation packages
OpenMM: a high-performance toolkit for molecular simulation. A nice OpenMM tutorial is here.
OpenMM PLUMED plugin: OpenMM plugin that provides connection between OpenMM and PLUMED.
OpenMM PyTorch plugin: OpenMM plugin to define forces with neural networks.
OpenMMTools: a Python library layer that sits on top of OpenMM. It implements various sampling methods, such as MCMC samplers, parallel tempering. This package is still under development!
NAMD : code | tutorial | user guide | mail list | performance tuning 1, 2 | benchmark
psfgen: vmd plugin to build psf file that is needed to run MD simulations with NAMD.
Gromacs : Official manual | Tutorial 1, 2, 3, 4 | Performance tuning
Libraries that implement enhanced-sampling methods
PLUMED: plugin for molecular dynamics which provides a wide range of enhanced-sampling methods.
Colvars: library which implements MD sampling methods based on collective variables.
Visualization and analysis tools
nglview: Jupyter widget to view molecular structures and trajectories.